Past Events
NanoDays 2010
Presenter: Join CEINT scientist to celebrate NanoDays 2010 at the Museum of Life and Science and Marbles
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Event Type: Featured
Molecular-level probing of organizational structure and electronic properties of weakly surface bound domain
Presenter: Thomas Pearl
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
115 Teer Building, Duke University
Event Type: Nanoscience Seminar Series
Modeling an Uncertain Risk: Using Belief Networks to Assess the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology
Presenter: Eric Money
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
1441 CIEMAS/Fitzpatrick Center
Event Type: Brown Bag
Portal to the Public: An NSF - funded training initiative jointly sponsored by the Pacific Science Center, and the Museum of Life and Science
11:45 am to 1:15 pm
208 Hudson Hall, Duke University
Event Type: Special Seminar
Sources and Fate of Biogenic and Engineered Nanomaterials in Wastewater Systems
Presenter: Paul Westerhoff
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
115 Teer Building, Duke University
Event Type: Seminar
Mesocosms experiments, overview and preliminary results
Presenter: Benjamin Espinasse
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
1441 CIEMAS/Fitzpatrick Center
Event Type: Brown Bag
Microbiology at the bacterial scale: the importance of microenvironments in microbial ecology
Presenter: Dana Hunt
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
1441 CIEMAS/Fitzpatrick Center
Event Type: Brown Bag
Nanoscale polymer brushes and polypeptide nanoparticles in vivo: is research in biomedical nanotechnology relevant to environmental nanotechnology?
Presenter: Ashutosh Chilkoti
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
115 Teer Building, Duke University
Event Type: Seminar
Special Seminar with guest speakers from Kyoto Environmental Nanotechnology Cluster (KENC)
Presenter: Akira Imada, Shigetaka Katori, and Takeo Ito
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
1441 CIEMAS/Fitzpatrick Center
Event Type: Special Seminar
Silver nanoparticle behavior and fish embryotoxicity across a salinity gradient
Presenter: Cole Matson
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
1441 CIEMAS/Fitzpatrick Center
Event Type: Brown Bag
An Integrated Approach Toward Understanding the Environmental Fate, Transport, Toxicity and Occupational Health Hazards of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
Presenter: Vicki Grassian
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
125 Hudson Hall, Duke University
Event Type: Seminar
Impacts of nanosilver on pure cultures and wastewater microbial communities
Presenter: Claudia Gunsch
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
1441 CIEMAS/Fitzpatrick Center
Event Type: Brown Bag
Vertical Scanning Interferometry – A Game Changing Technology for Chemistry, Material Sciences, and Biomedical Applications
Presenter: Andreas Luttge
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
125 Hudson Hall, Duke University
Event Type: Seminar
Transport & Fate: Nanoparticles in the Environment
Presenter: Mark Wiesner
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
1441 CIEMAS/Fitzpatrick Center
Event Type: Brown Bag