Research Experience for Undergraduates | 2013 REU Fellows
Why CEINT? From our REU students & interns:

Alice Wang
Rising Junior
Chemical/Environmental Engineering
University of Southern California
CEINT Research Site: Marr Lab, Virginia Tech University
The atmosphere of the CEINT REU program was an excellent learning environment for me to grow as a researcher. I was fortunate to work with brilliant mentors at Virginia Tech, each of whom were supportive and knowledgeable. I enjoyed exploring interdisciplinary projects amongst my research team where I became acquainted with a variety of nanotechnology issues in our air. This exposure sprouted my desire to learn more, granting me independent research on the side from my faculty mentor. Taking initiative to design the project from start to finish, I was able to challenge myself and sharpen my creativity, patience, and persistence. This unique opportunity, along with my outdoor expeditions with new friends, made the entire program valuable and memorable to me. The skills that I have acquired during those ten weeks will transport and carry with me into my future career.
Career Impact and Plans
The multiple CEINT faculty research presentations and EPA tour reaffirmed my passion towards resolving environmental pollution and toxicity issues in our society. My two research projects, one applicable to developed countries and the other to those developing, inspired me to think critically about combating environmental implications on a global scale. That is my aspired career goal. I plan to continue working in research and pursue a Masters degree in Environmental Engineering. Perhaps I will concentrate my studies in nanotechnology, or even conduct experiments in mesocosms in the near future.
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